Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Baby's Gender.....

IT'S A GIRL!!!! :D

All results came back normal as well, so it is a healthy baby girl. Hooray! 

We found out early by doing a Harmony test that finds the baby's blood in the mothers blood, just had to have blood drawn. It does various genetic testing for down syndrome, etc. but can also pinpoint gender. 

13 weeks on Thursday!

-STILL queasy. Hoping this will pass within the week as all of the websites I have read promised and as I enter the 2nd trimester. 
-having some round ligament pain, which is periodic sharp pains in the lower abdomen. 

No photos this week, sorry! Will include some in the next post! I need to go immediately shop for girl clothes now ;)


  1. So can I just tell you how awesome Heidi and I feel right now??? This is wonderful news, now we can commence the extreme spoiling................. LOL ...................................................along with just Loving ya'll each and everyday!

  2. I'm so excited. Lily Annette and I are going to have so much fun! I love her so much already.
