Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New mama to be blog!

Hello world!

I am a new soon-to-be mom, gamer geek, animal lover etc. and I have decided to document my adventure with pregnancy with family, friends, and possibly complete strangers!

My name is Shayla K., I married the man of my dreams,Kyle, in July 2012. We own a house in Texas, and have 2 dogs and 1 cat. We are both avid fans of video games and board games. We decided we wanted to start our family, and after a couple of months of trying we got our wish! 

April 24th 2013 we found out I was pregnant, and a week later it was officially confirmed by our doctor!

How far along? 6 weeks 5 days
Baby's size: Almost a blueberry!
Weight: Starting: 129.4/ Current: 130.2
Maternity clothes? No :P
-Queasiness just started yesterday. It isn't full on nausea nor is it all the time, but it comes and goes throughout the day. 
-pimples.. on my face.. back.. chest= not the greatest!
-slightly achy chest
-period-like cramps randomly throughout the day, generally mild
-not an increase in appetite, but an increase in feeling hungry. I know this is partly being more sensitive to blood sugar, and I also know I don't actually need to increase the amount I'm eating during the 1st trimester, so I'm not going crazy and still eating pretty healthy. 
Miss anything? I missed coffee until my new queasiness, now it doesn't sounds very appealing..
Food cravings: Not really. I am still eating normally, but food in general isn't super appealing

Here are some pictures at 4 weeks, I will post new ones at 8 weeks! (and I promise to make my face/hair more presentable next time :P )

4 weeks 2 days, pregnancy bloat, not a bump :P

Thanks for reading!