Friday, February 7, 2014

One month old!

Sorry this is a little late..

Wow! Already one month old!


She was born at 7 pounds 11 ounces but ended up dropping to 7 lbs 1 ounce by 6 days old. Somewhere around 19 1/2 to 20 inches long.

At one month she is 8 pounds 11 ounces and 20 1/2 inches.


On an average night she sleeps for about 2 1/2 hours and eats for about 30 minutes. She usually goes right back to sleep, but can be difficult to put down for the initial night time "nap". A typical night will be like this..

8-9PM- Feeding and coercing into sleep.
12AM-12:40- Feeding
Around 2 or 3AM- Feeding
Around 5 or 6AM- Feeding

After this, for the rest of the day, she generally sleeps for up to an hour and 1/2

Feeding: She generally eats about 3 ounces every 3 hours. We are doing a combination of breast feeding, pumped bottle feeding and supplementing with formula. At first I wanted to go hard core with just breastfeeding, but after weeks of cracked and bleeding nipples etc, I gave myself a break and decided supplementation is fine. I am much happier now, and she still gets mostly breast milk each day. She is fine going back and forth with bottle and boob. 

Clothing and diaper size:

Right around the 1 month mark (a little after) she started to outgrow her newborn clothes! We are officially in the 0-3 months. We have a lot more fun clothes for this age, so I am enjoying it :)

She is still in newborn diapers, as they go up to 10 pounds.

Activity: She has started making eye contact and being awake for longer stretches where she just looks around, amazed and confused by everything. This doesn't last long, but is more frequent than before.

Favorites: sleeping in the rock n play, being walked, being bounced, being held, music, eating, of course, eating her hands, spitting up on mommy and daddy, and waiting to poop until after a diaper change. Oh, and to going from total rage screaming to completely passed out in literally a second. Last time she did this, it was so funny I had to keep myself from laughing so as not to wake her with my shaking, laughing body.

Dislikes: changing clothes, having your umbilical cord cleaned, sponge baths, being burped when you'd rather be eating, hiccups

Her umbilical cord came off at 3 and 1/2 weeks! By the pediatrician's recommendation we cleaned it with alcohol a couple times a day and it still took weeks.. But we are happy it is off because we were finally able to give her real baths!

A lot of new things at the 1 month mark!

We transitioned her from the rock n play in sleeping in our room to her crib at night. For the most part she does pretty well, but I think she still prefers the rock n play. The rock n play is not really a recommended way for babies to sleep at night, but you do what you need to do to sleep :P

Lily broke out in serious baby acne, and it is getting a bit better but still there. It has even spread to her chest :( Kyle and I both had baby acne, so we know where she gets it!

Fun firsts..

First bath:

We alternate taking baths with her, while the other washes her. It is a great bonding experience, and she seems very content!

First walk:

We haven't gone on as many walks as I would like as it always seems to be WAY too windy every time I have the energy. But she does fine on walks, as well as car rides. Hopefully we will increase our walks soon.

First Dinner Party!

What a fancy strawberry. She had a great time with Kaitlyn and Natalie! 

Newborn photo shoot (2 weeks):

She was totally awake the entire time!

Lily enjoys spending time with her family, and she is lucky to get to spend a lot of time with everyone!
Side note: I am enjoying putting her in silly, ridiculous things :) So cute! Sorry Lily ;)