Sunday, September 15, 2013

23 and 24 weeks

Woohoo! 5 1/2ish months down, 3 1/2ish to go
23 weeks
24 weeks

Weight...- 147. Woohoo? I will continue to shamelessly post my weight, for I will be that much prouder when I loose it all after baby is born. My plan? Breastfeeding, dog walking, yoga and pilates. And no more tasty sugar sweets.. :*(

Movement- Similarly active as usual. She is still very responsive, and it is particularly sweet when she kicks just because daddy is touching my belly. I think she is very excited to meet him! :) I predict she is going to be a bit outgoing, we will see. Oh, she also starting giving kicks straight to the Va-jay-jay. Those.. are less amusing. XD

Food aversions- Hmm nothing really at the moment. Chicken, you're OK. 

Food cravings- Always sugar. And some ravioli. Like the bad, Chef Boyardee I loved as a kid. 

Looking forward to- Baby shower next month! Our moms are going all out and I am truly excited! Thanks moms! Oh and starting Bradley Method classes in 3 weeks-ish. Will post about how that goes!

About to go to my first prenatal yoga class. My flexibility is now shameful. Hopefully this will remedy that. I will let you know how that goes as well! 

Things are getting exciting! :)

Thanks for reading,