Friday, November 8, 2013

32 weeks

Weight- 157. Starting at 129.4, so about 28 pounds. Yikes!

Symptoms- Cramping, having to pee a lot, getting out of breath very quickly, etc.  Third trimester is definitely uncomfortable, but it is manageable. Some of second trimester's symptoms have gone away, such as frequent heart burn. I am still walking those doggies! Thank you, cold weather! ;)

Stretch Marks- None yet, but I am still rather pessimistic on this point.

Movement- Less frequent, but stronger, similar to before. I read somewhere that babies sleep 95% of the time at this point, and I also read I should feel baby movement 10 times an hour. Yeah, that makes sense :P (insert sarcastic tone here).

Food aversions- Nothing really

Belly Button- Innie-ish. It is definitely getting stretched out and less deep, but has not popped out.

Food cravings- Looking forward to Thanksgiving foods!

Looking forward to- Maternity photo shoot this weekend! But hoping I don't look fat in them.. >.> Considering wearing the striped dress in the picture up top. Thoughts?

Least favorite thing- A lot of my clothes are starting to feel uncomfortable, especially my bras. But I am holding out on buying any new ones because my chest size should change once I'm breast feeding, and I don't want to have to buy bras again. But yeah, basically anything besides super stretchy clothes (dresses, yoga pants, PJS) aren't all that comfortable. My advice to any soon-to-be preggies is to not buy all your maternity clothes early like I did. I know it is exciting, but it sucks to have things not fit >:(

Baby Shower recap! We had a great time, and our families put so much love into making it special for us. We appreciate all the friends and family that were able to make it and celebrate Lily's impending arrival! 

Alison and her daughter Natalie

With Sean, Alison, and their baby Natalie

First baby Kyle ever held!

Bradley Method- Doing a separate post later today with more class by class details.

At our next doctor visit (34 weeks) we are getting an ultrasound to estimate baby size (though this is just an estimate) fluids, and baby position. So I will have some cute pictures of Lily for everyone soon! :)