Thursday, August 22, 2013

21 weeks & 20 week ultrasound

Firstly, we had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday.

Lily was very sleepy and shy during the ultrasound, and wanted to face her back to us for most of it. But we managed to get some pictures of her in different poses! But it was once again confirmed that she is, indeed, a girl! ;) 

Back and back of head

Profile, leg, and hand

Foot :)
She measuring 3 days big overall, and a week ahead for weight. Signs leading to a big baby like her mom (9 pounds, 3 ounces.. >.>)

21 weeks

21 weeks

Weight...- 1..4..2 XD From 129.4. I don't want to talk about it..

Movement- TONS. She is a very strong, active baby. I began to feel her move at 16 weeks, but quickly turned into little punches and kicks. It is getting stronger and stronger, and sometimes so often I take it for granted (but I usually stop everything I'm doing and giggle in delight to feel her move around!) Kyle has also started being able to feel her a couple of weeks ago. The best method I found for others to feel is laying flat on my back on the couch. But recently he can feel it from a sitting position too. 

Food aversions- Chicken still. It has been chicken the whole time..

Food cravings- Nothing this week that I remember.. trying to be healthy this week!

Looking forward to- Getting more things for the nursery. We ordered a crib this week, so I can have a project to do soon. Need more baby projects, haha. 

Despite the wonderful ultrasound, this week has been tough. I have had a cold since Monday, and my ever growing body is more difficult to handle mentally than I thought. I love the bump, but the other stuff growing? Not so much. *sigh*. Yes, it is worth it. Of course it is. But still, tough for a slightly vain mamma to handle. Not being able to exercise this week at all from being sick doesn't make me feel a lot better about it, either. 

Sorry I don't post more often, but I don't think enough changed week to week to be interesting! 

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. So fortunate that I get to be there through most of your journey, Precious Girls! I love both of you so much!
