Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lily is 2 months old!

2 month update

OH hi. I'm 2 months old!

1 month
1 Week

Weight: 11 pounds 9 ounces, 75th percentile
Height: 21 1/2 inches 51st percentile

At one month she was 8 pounds 11 ounces and 20 1/2 inches.


We are down to 1 to 2 night wakings! She falls asleep for the night around 7:30-8PM and will wake up between 12-2 and again around 4-5, and goes back to sleep until 7:30 AM. Right after she hit the 2 month mark she has had 2 nights where she only woke up once! 

Is has been difficult to get her to nap longer than 30 minutes at a time for a while, but this seems to be changing. She takes 2 30 minute naps in the morning, a longer afternoon nap (anywhere from 1 to 2 hours) and another short cat nap around 4 PM. 

I cut coffee out of my diet completely and it seems to be helping her naps. Bye for now coffee. I miss you dearly. :*(

Feeding:  We are still doing a combination of breast feeding and formula feeding. It is working for all of us. I had a period where I almost went back to exclusive breast feeding, then I had a painful nipple relapse, so we are back to doing both. I don't know how long we will keep this up. Taking it one month at a time!

Clothing and diaper size:

She is still in the 0 to 3 month clothes. I think she will be ready for the next size at 3 months. 

We are on the size one diapers. She will probably be ready to switch to the bigger size at 3 months as well. 

Activity: She smiles sometimes and is starting to coo. She will stare at your face at mimic your mouth movements. As many have heard, she rolled over from tummy to back at 5 1/2 weeks! I have a video and everything. She doesn't consistently do it, but she has done it several times since. She is one strong girl! She likes to lay on her activity mat and stare at the brightly colored toys. She has started to feel things instead of keeping her hands in little fists all the time. She especially likes touching skin.

Favorites: sleeping in the rock n play still, being bounced, sitting upright on laps and staring at the computer screen (probably not the best, but she is our baby, after all) her panda toy ( thanks Aunt Alison and Uncle Sean!), drinking all the milks, farting on everyone

8 weeks

Dislikes: having her nosed cleaned out, face wiped, the process of getting swaddled (but still likes being swaddled), tummy time

Lily has been super, super congested for like 2 weeks now. I use saline nose drops and the nosefrida to suck out all the baby snot. Nosefrida is gross, but effective, and I guarantee you won't care at all if it means you don't have to hear your baby cough and struggle with breathing. Poor thing :( I highly recommend using it!

We also give Lily some infant probiotic every day to help keep her regular and happy. Though they say it is OK for baby not to poop for several days at a time, it makes Lily uncomfortable but this helps :) 

We had a great time at Aunt Alison's birthday party. Happy Birthday!


What great dads!


  1. Lily does have a great dad and little friends with great dads. Shay and Kyle also have great dads and moms, if I do say so for myself and Kathy, LOL!

    (Mom and Gran Runnels)

  2. P.S. Lily also has a great mom. Love you, Shay-Bug!

    Mom and Gran Runnels
