Are we ready? Yes, super ready.
(Note: I am actually almost 37 weeks. I wrote most of this post last week. Also, my swelling issues that I write about in this post are much better than last week. I also took ALL pictures with my phone.. so they kind of suck. Sorry! >.>)
Weight- Thanks to tremendous swelling and water retention, weight gain is a 10 pounds in 1 and 1/2 weeks! What?! Good news, though I look like a puffy marshmallow lady, a lot of it is in fact water which I will loose rapidly after Miss Lily makes her debut. We will discuss this more after I have baby and am able to actually do something about the weight. Until then, I am going to try not to think about it. >:(
Symptoms- Feet swelling! Leg swelling! Hand swelling! Oh my. My right leg is particularly swollen and has become a dreaded cankle leg. Also lots of vagina head butting from baby. Yeah, that is kind of painful and yes, I said vagina.
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Right foot= Boo. |
Stretch Marks- Still none!
Movement- Very move-y and kicky lately. Have felt little feet :)
Belly Button- Half and half. It is a weird alien belly button, which should go ahead and pop out, but is too stubborn to do so.
Food cravings- I wants me some chocolate. I was craving Chipotle, and I met that need Thursday. Mmm, burrito. (Please note: I have met the chocolate craving as well, so no need to worry.)
Looking forward to- Baby! We are ready for you any time, Lily.
Least favorite thing- Cankles, clearly. And moving in general.
34 week ultrasound
At 34 weeks we had an ultrasound. Bad news, she is too big for cute ultrasound pictures, so I don't really have any to share. :( But lots of good news! She is head down, and anterior (facing my spine) which is all good for delivery purposes. She is averaging right around where she should be, plenty of amniotic fluid, good heart beat, and basically healthy in every way.
Fun facts~
-Her head is measuring 3 weeks ahead :O
-She has a lot of hair already, so we are expecting lots of pretty hair
-She was grabbing her feet during the ultrasound= cute!
36 week appointment
With the swelling and rapid weight gain, I went in early for my appointment to make sure everything was OK. My blood pressure was great and no protein in urine, so not pre-eclampsia so far. Had an ultrasound of my swollen leg down, and it is not a blood clot. Doctor said basically some women just have tons of water retention at the end, and it is unclear why. But basically nothing to be worried about right now, just super sucky.
Fun fact~
-1 and 1/2 centimeters dilated, and 60% to 70% effaced.

Maternity Photo Shoot-
I posted most of them on Facebook, but wanted to share a couple on here as well. These were taken at 32 weeks.
Photos by Ava Hill